DREAM - Black Sea


DREAM: Black Sea is a captivating candle fragrance that transports you to a world of enchanting reverie. This exquisite scent is a harmonious blend of citrus, sea salt, ozone, plum, cardamom, amber, and dark musk.

Imagine yourself standing on the shores of a mysterious, moonlit Black Sea, as the gentle waves create a soothing symphony that calms your spirit. The initial notes of zesty citrus dance in the air, evoking the invigorating energy of a fresh sea breeze. As you take a deep breath, the scent of sea salt and ozone surrounds you, conjuring the briny essence of the ocean.

Beneath the surface, the fragrance unfurls its hidden treasures. The sweetness of ripe plum entices your senses, while the exotic spice of cardamom adds a touch of warmth and intrigue, like a secret whispered on the wind.

The base notes of amber and dark musk cast a seductive, mysterious spell, as they weave together to create an alluring depth that lingers in the air, reminiscent of moonlit walks along the shore.

Black Sea is a captivating olfactory journey, inviting you to immerse yourself in a dreamscape of tranquil seas and enigmatic nights. Illuminate your space with this fragrance, and let it carry you away on a tide of imagination and wonder.